donderdag, januari 24, 2008
Condi Rice opening Davos

ondoleezza Rice openng speech of the Davos World Economic Forum.

Memorable quote: "If we are to continue expanding global economic growth, we also need to find a new approach to energy and the environment. If we proceed on our current course, we have an unacceptable choice: Either sacrifice global economic growth for the health of our planet – or sacrifice the health of our planet for fossil fuel-led growth. We cannot do that. We have to reject this course – and work instead to cut the Gordian Knot of fossil fuels, carbon emissions, and economic activity.

I want to assure you that we Americans realize how central a solution to climate change is to the future health and success of the international system. "

Text of speech

Discussion with Tony Blair, Kissinger and others

Memorable quote by Dr. Kissinger:
"First of all, let me congratulate Condi on her – on a powerful and noble speech. And let me make a philosophical observation because I’m usually classed among the so-called realists against the so-called idealists, and make the point that this distinction is really not a meaningful distinction. The task of any leader is to take a society from where it is to where it hasn’t been. That takes idealism. If you confine yourself to the familiar, there is stagnation. The problem is to – where is the limit to which you can take the society in any period of time. Prophets have absolute values that they want implemented immediately. Statesmen have to adjust it to the toleration of the system. And this, I think, will be the big debate in America next year and in the new administration, and this will determine the degree to which we form a domestic consensus and are able to create an international consensus."

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