woensdag, juli 20, 2005
United for Europe - Seven Presidents for Europe

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Newspaper article by the presidents of Austria, Heinz Fischer; Finland,Tarja Halonen; Germany, Horst K�hler; Italy, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi; Latvia, Vaira Vike-Freiberga; Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski and Portugal, Jorge Fernando Branco de Sampaio

"The outcome of the referenda in France and the Netherlands showed that many citizens feel European policy falls short of their expectations. While most do support the European project, they are uneasy about how it is carried out. They feel excluded both from decisions of major importance for their future and from those which impact their everyday lives.

All too often, key European questions have not been debated broadly enough before decisions were taken.

To many people, the regulatory impulse of the EU seems exaggerated. Decision-making procedures are often too unclear and the decision-makers too anonymous.

And above all else, too often people have been willing to make Brus�sels the scapegoat for problems at home. This casts a bad light on a good project.

We are convinced that the European Union needs strong, influential and efficient institutions and transparent procedures."

Seven Presidents of major European countries speak out for a united future for Europe. The Amsterdam Post publishes the entire declaration.

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