zaterdag, juli 01, 2006
Ruud Lubbers in charge of creating new Cabinet

aturday afternoon Queen Beatrix appointed former prime minister Ruud Lubbers as “Informateur”of a full missionary coalition Cabinet of Christian Democrats (CDA) and Conservative Liberals (VVD). He hopes to do the job in two weeks time.

The new Cabinet will most likely see no new faces in the ranks of ministers. According to Ruud Lubbers there will be a replacement for the two posts left open by the Liberal Democrats, Brinkhorst (Economic affairs) and Pechtold (Policy reform).

The Queen decided after consultations of all party leaders to look for a fully missionary cabinet, that can decide on important matters running up to elections in November this year.

Opposition leader Wouter Bos of the Labour party (PvdA) is disappointed over the missionary status, but he is satisfied with early elections in November. He is confident to make a good result.

General expectations is that there is a good chance he will win the election and will become the successor of the present prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende.

Prime ministers Balkenende has been unpopular for the last three years. The harsh reform policies he and the cabinet achieved haven't been applauded by the general public. The last three months though, there has been a change in his ratings in line with the soaring economy.
