dinsdag, juli 01, 2008
Who can be CiC from day one?

enator Lieberman puts the question on the table. Which presidential candidate can be Commander in Chief (CiC) from day one? Lieberman thinks it is important because the United States enemies will test the new president in his first year in office, look at his comments:

General Wesley Clark is asked what qualifications to be CiC are needed, saying about John McCain that; "I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president. Obama is running on other strengths, of character, on his communication skills, on the strength of his judgment." Note: listen carefully to the first question he is asked:

And the reaction of John McCain,... "those comments doesn't reduce gasoline price with one penny...."

And here is what CNN anchorman Rick Sanchez is making of it....

The Obama campaign manager David Axelrod reacts to the question if Wesley Clark was authorized by the Obama campaign saying what he said about McCain?

And here is Wesley Clark not retracting his words, saying his words were taken out of context, repeating his overall point that serving the armed forces in itself is not a qualification to become president, but political judgment is...

Thanks to TPM tv

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