woensdag, december 16, 2009
Carbon capture is put on hold

s some countries have reservations on carbon capture and storage (CCS) the emerging technology will not be added to the UN-backed carbon reducing mechanisms here in Copenhagen.

Capturing carbon dioxide at coal-fired power plants in order to store in it the ground will not become a measure supported by the UN-backed Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) this year. A committee under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has discussed the issue, but delayed any decisions for summits to come.

A text by the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice “recognizes that carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations has been proposed by some Parties for inclusion under the CDM”, but also “recognizes that other Parties have registered concern regarding the implications of this possible inclusion.”

USA and UK are the chief advocates of the emerging technology. However, some other countries have concerns over “the long-term liability for the storage site, including liability for any seepage”, the text displays.

Read on | Carbon capture is put on hold - COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference Copenhagen 2009

See also | The text on CCS produced by the Susidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice

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