maandag, december 14, 2009
Climate Change Reality: Smears Can't Obscure Scientific Case for Action

hile the eyes of the world are focused on Copenhagen, I’m halfway around the globe, representing the National Wildlife Federation at the American Geophysical Union’s fall meeting in San Francisco. More than 16,000 geophysicists -- people who study all aspects of the Earth & solar system, including climate -- from around the world will be convening to continue advancing the science. It's often the place where major new discoveries are first announced – including the latest news on global warming.

It’s absolutely baffling to me that as I present & participate in sessions on the latest cutting-edge climate science, the international media has gone hook, line & sinker for a distraction about hacked emails pushed by polluters and science deniers. But it’s a sad reflection of the disconnect between the scientific debate here in San Francisco and the political debates happening in Washington and Copenhagen.

Read on | DrAmandaStaudt at Daily Kos - Climate Change Reality: Smears Can't Obscure Scientific Case for Action

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