dinsdag, december 29, 2009
Forecast for repressive regimes in the 'Teens'

oping to identify what "influences" might have been at work in the world at the time of his birth, writer Arthur Koestler once cast what he called his "secular horoscope." He read a copy of the London Times from the day after he was born -- Sept. 6, 1905 -- and found pogroms, industrial strikes, "disturbances in Kishineff" and the Russian empire's failed war against Japan. All, he reckoned, were harbingers of the political events that eventually shaped his life: the collapse of empires, the Russian revolution, the rise of Hitler, the twilight of liberalism.

Now that we are reaching the end of what seems destined to remain a nameless decade, I'd like to borrow this idea and cast the "secular horoscope" of the decade to come.

Anne Applebaum

Read more | The Washington Post
