dinsdag, januari 19, 2010
Goldsmith was not convinced war was legal even after UN resolution – Chilcot

hairman of Iraq inquiry also suggests then-attorney general was discouraged from expressing his doubts about war in writing

Lord Goldsmith was not convinced that war in Iraq would be legal even after the UN security council passed resolution 1441 in November 2002, Sir John Chilcot said today.

Basing his remarks on papers he has read but which have not been made public, the chairman of the Iraq inquiry said that the then-attorney general, "immediately after 1441 had been secured, said he would need some time to reflect on it. And it appears from what we read that he did not feel convinced at that time – I'm talking about post-November, before March – that standing on its own it would be a secure base."

Chilcot also suggested that Goldsmith had been discouraged from expressing his doubts about the war in writing.

Read more >> | The Guardian

See also >> | The Times: Lord Goldsmith warned Tony Blair over legality of the Iraq war
See also >> | Iraq Inquiry Digest
See also >> | Telegraph: Iraq Inquiry: Lord Goldsmith 'materially' changed legal advice in days before war

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