woensdag, januari 20, 2010
Has Wilders broken the law?

eert Wilders’ inflammatory anti-Muslim statements are well known. Are they illegal?

Rumour has it that Geert Wilders, the leader of the populist PVV party, hopes to call Mohamed B., the man who killed Theo van Gogh, as a witness in his up-coming trialm which starts this Wednesday. Probably to establish the connection between the Koran and violence that Wilders assumes. The prosecution, however, will focus on the Dutch criminal code, particularly the two articles the politician is alleged to have violated: 137 c and d. Wilders is charged with slandering a group and sowing hate, and discrimination on the basis of race or religion. He has targeted muslims on the basis of their religion, the prosecution will argue, and non-western migrants or Moroccans on the basis of their race. The trial is expected to last months.

Read more >> | nrc.nl - International - Has Wilders broken the law?

See also >> | The Indictment (in dutch, pdf)
See also >> | Geert Wilders - Wikipedia

See also >> | Wilders' inciting hatred court case starts - DutchNews.nl
See also >> | Wilders on trial: who's funding his defence? - RNW
See also >> | GeertWilders.nl - Diana West - IFPS The Trial of Geert Wilders: A Symposium - Daniel Pipes
See also >> | Shrugging off Spinoza - Sappho.dk
See also >> | The Wilders’ trial: what you wanted to know but couldn’t ask - by Prof. dr Ybo Buruma, Radboud University Nijmegen (pdf)

See also >> | Vervolging van Wilders legt een fundament van beschaving - NRC - J. Th. Degenkamp (dutch)
See also >> | Het proces tegen Wilders is anti-liberaal - NRC - Frank Ankersmit
See also >> | Wilders-proces: de geest uit de fles - Bart Jan Spruyt - Binnenlands Bestuur

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