donderdag, februari 18, 2010
Emergency debate on Afghanistan today

rime minister Jan Peter Balkenende and deputy premier Wouter Bos will debate the future of the Dutch mission in Afghanistan in parliament this afternoon, as speculation grows that the cabinet is about to collapse.

The debate was called by Socialist Party leader Agnes Kant, who said she wanted to get to the bottom of the mixed messages being sent out by ministers.

Labour party leader Wouter Bos said on Wednesday he will categorically not support any extension to the Dutch mission in Afghanistan, despite the formal request by Nato. And he wants minister to say a final no to Nato after Friday's cabinet meeting.

But Balkenende wants Dutch soldiers to stay on past August to train local forces. 'All options are open,' the Christian Democratic party leader said.

Read more >> | DutchNews.nl - Emergency debate on Afghanistan today

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